Water, Drainage & Flood Risk Management for Residential, Commercial, Education, Community & Faith
From small-scale domestic extensions to larger bespoke dwellings we can carry out Flood Risk Assessments, Drainage Strategies, SuDS design and modelling to satisfy Planning and Building Control.

Private Residential House
Preliminary Flood Assessment
Existing low lying property within flood zone 2 and historic flooding issues. Surface water draining into an existing pond with pumped overflow. Assessment of existing flood risks and potential mitigation.

Blackalls Farm
Drainage Strategy and Design
Barn conversions to residential use, new foul and surface water drainage design utilising SuDS and existing pond to meet Local Authority Planning requirements. New foul drainage design to meet Building Regulations.
Private Dwelling Kingham
Design and detail foul and surface water drainage system including full SuDS design including ponds, and detention basins cascading to an outfall into a local water course. The SuDS systems will improve biodiversity and water quality before a controlled discharge.
The foul system was designed using a package treatment plant with a discharge via a new reed bed system to ensure the water quality of the final discharge is above the required standard.

Blackalls Farm
Drainage Strategy and Design
Barn conversions to residential use, new foul and surface water drainage design utilising SuDS and existing pond to meet Local Authority Planning requirements. New foul drainage design to meet Building Regulations.
Private Dwelling Ascot
Assessment of existing failing drainage system, and design of new drainage system for refurbishment of the existing property and reduce the risk of flooding in and around the house.
Private Dwelling Ascot
Assessment of existing failing drainage system, and design of new drainage system for refurbishment of the existing property and reduce the risk of flooding in and around the house.
Private Dwelling London
New private dwelling with new foul and surface water drainage including pumping foul and surface water, rainwater harvesting, cellular attenuation and controlled discharge into the public sewer.

510 Cowley Road
New private dwelling with new foul and surface water drainage including pumping foul and surface water, rainwater harvesting, cellular attenuation and controlled discharge into the public sewer.