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Pre-development assessment


Water, Drainage & Flood Risk Management  for Residential, Commercial, Education, Community & Faith


We have experience working with faith and community buildings and the constraints and opportunities for each site. 

Utilising SuDS features within the design to increase the habitat and biodiversity to enhance the experience.


We can carry out a pre-development assessment to highlight risks and opportunities. We can provide Planning Application Flood Risk Assessments, Drainage Strategies, SuDS design and modelling to satisfy Planning and Building Control.

Welcome Church, Witney

Flood risk assessment to support the planning application for an extension to the existing Church.

East Oxford Community Centre Cowley Oxford

East Oxford Community Centre Cowley, Oxford. 

The project seeks to refurbish the existing community centre building and add a modern extension for various new community uses.

Drainage Strategy and surface water modelling, SuDS design to discharge planning conditions to reduce the flow rate from the site and reduce flood risk in the sewer system. Foul water drainage design to meet Building Regulations.

Images courtesy of Jessop and Cook

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